Space Rental
Legion Facility Rentals
The Vincent Massey Branch No. 164 of the Royal Canadian Legion is a not for profit organization that subscribes to the purposes and objectives of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Proceeds from rentals of the Branch premises are used to support the operations of the Branch and ultimately the purposes and objectives of the Royal Canadian Legion.
While the premises of the Branch are modest and were originally part of a nightclub, some points to note:
Our facilities are downtown
The main lounge can accommodate 103 people *
The boardroom can accommodate 20 people *
Audio-visual/wifi is included
The facilities are non-smoking, however there is a smoking area outside
If special permits are required, two weeks booking notice is required
Deposit of 25% required at the time of booking. Not refundable within 72 hours of event, or if license process has begun
Your specific needs can be discussed
Liability waiver and rental agreement must be signed
Because the Branch is a not for profit organization and we recognize the difficulties not for profit organizations encounter in running their operations,
other not for profit organizations we are donating the space.
The following are basic rental rates for our facilities, not including GST:
Clubroom Daytime Rental until 4 pm No bar
Clubroom Semi-Private functions of up to 50 people/ Boardroom rental up to 20 people:
Private functions are to be approved by the board of directors. Branch facilities are subject to availability as determined by the Branch.
For more information or to book please email branch164yellowknife@outlook.com


Veteran plates are available to any person who has honourably:
Served in the Armed Forces of Canada, the Commonwealth, or its wartime allies for a minimum of three (3) years.
Served in the Merchant Navy, or Ferry Command during wartime.
Performed NATO service of Peacekeeping mission(s) with the Armed Forces of Canada
Veteran plates are non-transferable.
To apply for a veteran plate, complete this application form and submit with the supporting documentation to your local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion in the NWT. The application will be forwarded to Northwest Territories / Alberta Command for certification, then on to the Department of Transportation's Road Licensing and Safety Headquarters.
Once approved, YOU will be notified to go to your local issuing office and complete a Veteran Licence Plate registration, new issue, or exchange transaction.

The Last Post Fund’s mission is to ensure that no Veteran is denied a dignified funeral and burial, as well as a military gravestone, due to insufficient funds at time of death. Its primary mandate is to deliver the Veterans Affairs Canada Funeral and Burial Program which provides funeral, burial, and grave marking benefits for eligible Canadian and Allied Veterans. For information about services and guidelines for the Last Post Fund go to: http://www.lastpostfund.ca/